How to make tansy in parasite

Worm infestation is considered to be a common disease. To deal with the ill-intended bodies to apply effective drugs, and herbal. One of the most popular remedies tansy for worms. How to take what is good and who is not shown on the plan, we'll see later in this article.


Inflorescence, the so-called savage of the mountains of ash that have unique properties that will help you to get rid of the Giardia, worms, and Ascaris. This is the kind of plant that is used in many countries as an official about a natural drug. In order to use it you need a special schema, respecting the duration of the treatment, and to prepare rigorously for the recipe. The grass is not considered to be completely safe, so before taking consult with your doctor.

Useful properties

Tansy adversely affect the parasites, thanks to its special composition. It contains a single-Turpin, which is capable of causing paralysis of the muscle that has the malware is a worm. This is the component in smaller doses, it is safe for humans and the same is allowed to add in food products, giving them a taste of the sour. The presence of bitterness, it is not only one of the conditions for the habitat and reproduction of worms in the digestive tract.

Tansy is made up of the following components is possible:

  • the acid is ascorbic acid;
  • the tannins are;
  • polysaccharides;
  • essential oils
  • alkaloids;
  • the organic compounds.

In addition, the plan promotes the excretion of waste and toxins that have accumulated in the process of the life of a parasite. In addition, it can improve the functioning of the heart and blood vessels, it rapidly restores and gives energy to the damaged tissue. As a result, it speeds up the recovery of the patient, and the repairs and the overall well-being.

The characteristics of the impact

Tansy is on the list of crops and plants with a bitter taste. In practice it has been found that this is a substance that is a good review of the malware and worms that are parasites in the digestive system.

Helminths that live and multiply, if active in an environment that is saturated with a large amount of sugar in it. The presence of bitterness in the surrounding area and has a negative impact on their growth and development.

The impact of tansy, when worm infestations,

The impact of tansy, when a worm infestation is not the end. In addition to the toxic effect, it will help you to eliminate live parasites from the body. The plan gradually builds up in the colon in its walls. And, during a deflation, helminthes, they leave the human body along with the faecal masses.

Safe to pull wild mountain-ash

Before you look to a way to get rid of the aliens as dangerous worm, it is necessary to learn the rules of intake at this plant. For the control of pests that are commonly used in the flowers and seeds, but also of the powder of the crushed dry grass. Allowed the use of tansy worms, in the form of infusion, with the juice and the alcohol in tinctures.

Therapy drink can be drunk for a long time, because it contains the substance thujone, which in large dose can cause hallucinations, clouding of consciousness and disturbance of mind.

With the popular acceptance of the drug two times in a year, while the duration of the course for more than a week. After consuming the medicine one should take to be removed the drug, and that it is necessary to clean out the digestive tract of the killed parasites.

Where to find it

It's a long tansy is part of the collection of Astrov. It grows in most climatic zones in temperate. It can be found in just about all over the place. Inflorescences of yellow are found on the borders, in the hinterlands close to the water, the sunlight in the open air of the fields. The plant flowers from July to August, the fruits ripen in September. It is in their own gathered the grass that is maintained to the highest concentration of nutrients.

What is important to carry out the collection of ecological areas, far from roads and industrial areas.

In the wild, rowan, you may be able to buy it in a pharmacy. The price varies from 50 to 90 rubles. In addition, there are found in capsule or tablet forms of the herb, dried, made to be destroyed, and the excretion of dangerous pests from your body.

How to prepare for

If you take the plan in and of itself, so dry-it needs to be in the open air, to avoid the penetration of the sun's rays, or even in a well-ventilated area. Time to time the need to stir the mixture.

The dried flower is to be stored in paper bags or cotton bags.

Anti-worm, of the revenue is used for the wild rowan that have been collected over a couple of years ago. The old man in the grass you already have all of the great features of it.

Dried inflorescences, which you can cut in a coffee grinder, the convenient and accurate application. The place where the raw material must be dried. Only if you follow all of the tips on the pick up and delivery of tansy in your officinalis value that persists for a very long time.

Tea, with tansy

Indications and Contra-indications and adverse reactions

Drink tansy for worms, it is necessary to very carefully and strictly to the dosage on the receipts. Because of the poisonous component to be treated in this way, there should be no more than a week's time. If there was a need for such an extension, of course, the best way is to take a break for a few days, and then be able to take it out. Particular care must be exercised in order for the therapy to young children, people with chronic medical conditions and the elderly.

Indications and Contra-indications to the use of tansy:

  • children under the age;
  • the cardiovascular disease.
  • breastfeeding
  • high blood pressure;
  • pregnancy;and
  • the presence of neoplasm is not specified, the etiology of the disease;
  • allergy;
  • kidney failure, and liver failure;
  • the aggravation of chronic diseases;
  • the hyperthermia;
  • ulcers of the stomach and the duodenum.

The side-reactions are:

  • the pain of the head;
  • and nausea;
  • vomiting;
  • intestinal disorders;
  • the feeling of the pain in my stomach.

The curing of the grass, the woman and the child

The women are in a position in such a way as to fight against pests, inappropriate. The plan leads to an inflammatory process of the uterus and miscarriage. It will help to reduce the muscle, causing contractions, I was pregnant. Toxic tansy have a negative impact on the development and formation of the fetus. So, this is about the tool, it should not be taken during the transportation of the child.

Tansy against, for it is given to the children exclusively in the form of a liquid, in this case, not necessarily respecting the dosing has been switched off. The drug may also be used for the treatment of parasites in children up to 3 years, as well as it does with a variety of abnormalities of the small body. The herbal infusion, it is recommended to drink 3 times a day, in the following proportions:

  • from the 3rd to the 7th year of the 1st. l.,
  • a 7-to 10-year and 50-ml.;
  • in the 10-to 14-years in the 75-ml.;
  • with over 14 years of age) per 100 ml.
Flowers of tansy

If you self-medicate the child, you can't. Only your doctor should decide how to take the tansy, in which the dose and number of days.

Recipes, studio

All of the parts of the plant are created equal, and are used for therapeutic purposes. From tansy serves as: decoction, alcohol tincture, tea or powder form.

His way of cooking is directly dependent on the efficiency of antigelüminTNOgon tools.

Tansy, in her purest form,

To get rid of the parasites in this manner, you will need a powder of the dried color of the grass. It's easy to make, store, and use.

For this reason, you need to:

  1. Grind the beans in a mortar and pestle or a coffee grinder, is the major ingredient.
  2. Pour it in a special, firmly in the top that can be closed off at capacity.

There it is, the tool has to be a 0.5% change l, and a meal, two times a day.

The optimal duration of therapy is 5 years.

It is important that during the treatment of the dust of the tansy, which is not entered in the respiratory tract of a person, as well as, it can cause a range of diseases. In order to avoid these moments, you can pre-order pour it into a glass of warm water or mixed with honey. In the last case, a bitter in the mouth, it is not to be pronounced, and then drink the plant medicine is so much more enjoyable.

The powder of the seeds of

In the opinion of many experts in the field of medicine, the powder of the seeds of the plant to be more effective than the decoction of the inflorescence. Net tools is digested in the stomach and, in large amounts, and in the gut, which is home to all the major parasites that enter are already on a small scale. Therefore, it is a result that is only achieved over a prolonged therapy.

The powder of the seeds of tansy, and the digestive tract, are almost never recycled for the stomach, and in its unaltered form it happens in all of the intestine. The dosage of consumption for an adult is 0.5 h. l., before eating, two times a day. The course of treatment, it is a lot less. It can cover up to 3 to 5 years, as well as the effect will be more rapid.

An infusion of the flowers

Drink from the eddy, which was prepared from 2-Ot. l., inflorescences tansy, which is poured in a quart of water. The water in the bath, the mixture is brought to boiling point, and then onStаandваeтся for about two hours.

Ready vermifuge is a drug, and you need to drink it in the form of heat 50 ml). after the meal, 3 times a day. In the course of a week.

The patient must notice the aspect ratio for the preparation of herbal teas, and follow the rules to receive the natural version of the drug. Hold your drink and have it in a cool place. Expiry date — day.

In the end-of-prevention-is enough to get a delivery once a week for a period of several months.

Tansy seeds from the pumpkin

Tansy seeds from the pumpkin

The seeds of the pumpkin are a powerful antiparasitic action. They contain cucurbitina, which is a poisonous substance. It causes the death of almost all sorts of vermin, big and small, individuals, as well as toxic effects on your muscles, eggs, and larvae. As a result, the parasites will lose their ability to cling to the mucous membrane of the bowel, to multiply actively and come up with the faecal masses.

When you share a tansy, and to the seeds of the pumpkin and the properties of these components complement each other, the support, the worm is a devastating impact. To prepare for the popular and popular tool, you will have access to 10 g. in the inflorescence, and 70 g. the cleaned seed. All the components necessary to grind it to a powder.

The mixture of every day, to take 1 St. l-a-meal. The patient in order to solve the problem is enough for up to three days of therapy.

"The Russian трonйhAtka"

If you can combine a number of antigelümincomfort herbs, the effect will come after a couple of days after the intake of the power tool. The Russian трonйhAtka well-known for many years as a powerful plant medicine to prevent worms.

Its main components are:

  • flowers tansy — 3-g.;
  • absinthe — 1 g;
  • stud — 1.5 g.

The product does not require heat treatment, an infusion, or brewing beer. It just needs to be broken in to 3 parts:

  1. On the first day, the front desk has eaten 1 dose (30 min.) before you eat it.
  2. On the second day of treatment — 2 doses.
  3. On the third day, in 3 divided doses.

You will need to repeat the 3-day treatment up to the end of the week. For prevention, take a dose of 1 time per week during the last 3 months.

For your comfort and for the consumer it is allowed to dilute the ready-to tool for a little bit of water.

All you need to do to the recipe, and to abide by the rules of the company.

A tincture of tansy

In order to prepare a tincture of tansy will need: 100 ml). vodka (you can use 70% alcohol, and 25 g. in the inflorescence. The flowers have to pour in the liquor, and leave it on for 10 days. The solution is accurate, from time to time to mess around. Plant medicine is then stored in a dark place at room temperature.

Take 30 drops of the tincture for up to one hour after the evening meal, in the evening, for 6 or 7 days. Prior to consumption, it can also be diluted in a glass of water.

In diseases of the gastrointestinal tract tincture of a pure drink shall be prohibited, as well as the use of ethanol (the alcohol irritates the mucous membranes of the body. To prevent the deterioration of the health condition, you should consult with your doctor.

Chicory, tansy, and yarrow

Chicory, tansy, and a thousandhelandStнandк

Extraction tansy, chicory, and yarrow are also good to deal with gelüminтonзonм. To effectively address the parasites first, you'll need to do:

  1. All of the components of the collection in the same ratio as that of the 1 h. of l. if the mix and it is poured with 0.5 l of boiling water.
  2. The tool you need to boil water mark in a bain-marie over low heat for about 20 minutes.

The time of cooking, it is not possible, as well as long-lasting, heat-treatment which promotes the loss of the beneficial properties of the plant. A ready broth, make it three times a day for 100 ml. after the meal, over a period of 7 days.

This is the kind of drink you can use it to get rid of dangerous pests and to carry out the cleaning of the body from a build-up of toxins.